Wanting to do it all now…

I know there is no time limit...

I know a life devoted to creativity is itself a work of art, and the best artworks cannot be rushed into existence.

But sometimes I need to re-ask myself:

How can I focus on the things I am accomplishing now, that are present enough to tackle now, and let go of needing to know how it will unfold?

I struggle with my attention span, sometimes.

I want to be an expert - to perfectly execute the vision on the first go, right away, without needing to spend time deepening into learning and refining the necessary skills.

I find myself re-evaluating my path over and over again - wondering why a certain level of success hasn’t appeared in the way I expect it to - even before I’ve made much progress.

I am impatient.

I want to be amazing NOW.

I want to be mad successful NOW.

I want to be so many things, and sometimes balance and patience seem out of my grasp.

What keeps me grounded is knowing that I am on the path of my heart’s desire. It feels good to be here, to be doing this. When I imagine what I would be doing with my time if I had not a care in the world … it would be this (but even more so).

That is the sign of true success, to me.

What else could anyone ask for, but to be living in alignment with one’s dreams? To be occupied with work that feeds the soul and heart, as much as the mind and boady?

Who cares if I get confused or overwhelmed, impatient or scattered, from time to time? Who cares if it takes many years to even really get “good” at it?

What if we…

Let go of productivity pressure and the need to do the most?

What if we…

remembered gratitude and found peace with our progress so far?

What if we…

Let ourselves be messy in the process?

If the little tries, stops and starts are never even explored … neither will be the immense pleasure and wonder and awe of finding oneself inside that very life you dream of.

It always looks a little different to how you imagined it… but it’s still sweet. You just have to allow yourself to live it.


My days contain my dreams, and every small step in the direction of these dreams brings me further inside this beloved life.


on resiliency


You can't force being ready