You can't force being ready

There's a lot of noise out there telling creatives that they need to just rid themselves of limiting beliefs in order to be successful...

That they need to just push beyond fear...

That it's largely about the power of the mind (not to mention access to resources)...

To some degree that is true - our thoughts are incredibly powerful and directly effect our ability to grow and develop and expand.

But I believe in the STORY of an artist. Of a life. And TIME is a key player in our stories. Every creative is THEMSELVES a thing unfolding, progressing, evolving.

What if we let ourselves grow into readiness (instead of forcing and blaming ourselves for why something's not working)?

What if we were present enough with ourselves and with the process that we didn’t stress about what we SHOULD be doing, or how something SHOULD be? What if we let go of control enough to observe what's already working, and to be proud of our progress?

What if we knew that when we are ready we will have no doubt?

Readiness feels like motion. Something pushes you or pulls you forward from the centre of your being. It is mostly effortless (like the wind is at your back, like you’ve got the wings of Hermes at your heels).

But being ready doesn't mean we don't feel doubt, fear or anxiety. It’s just that those things hold less weight now. They're background noise.

Is there something in your life that you are straining to accomplish, or that you are pressuring yourself to make happen when what you really feel is resistance?

Ask yourself if you can LET GO of NEEDING TO BE READY for that thing. Be gentle with your creative spirit, and with new ideas and projects - treat them like delicate seedlings. Allow beginnings to happen in their own time. Listen to how you/your project breathes under the surface; observe progress with sensitivity and curiosity; let go of the agenda for now, and watch how things tell you they are ready.


Wanting to do it all now…


Widening the Stream