Gillian is an artist and mentor for creatives. Her personal life experience, post-graduate studies in art/textile history and a continued education in somatic trauma therapy have inspired her belief that art and expression can function as a powerful support and guide for personal expansion and profound healing. She is devoted to serving her community in meaningful and authentic ways, and hopes most of all that we may find healing through connection, reciprocity and collaboration.

The creative process

Gillian’s creative process is largely informed by her personal spiritual practice, the (em)bodied experience of her environments and her animist worldview. Her work explores themes of mindfulness and embodied presence and speaks to the beauty of harmonious imperfection. She is deeply inspired by ecosystems and networks of existence (both wild and cultivated) as well as the nature of interdependence and interrelationship.

“Through my art, I hope to invite the viewer into a state of peaceful presence and spark contemplation of both the inner self and the outer world.”

- Gillian Huntley

Gillian draws inspiration from her emotional and sensory experience of environment as well as the inner landscape of the soul that is accessed through meditation. In her woven work, shape, sound, movement, breath and transcendence of the mind are represented through repetition, intuitive mark-making, abstract forms and simplified colour palettes. Ecology and philosophical theories of transcendence are sources of inspiration, and artists such as Agnes Martin, Lenore Tawney, Helen Frankenthaler and Koji Enokura are major influences.

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