hi, I’m Gillian

I’m an artist and guide to creative people that are seeking the courage and clarity they need to live a life aligned with their gifts. I hope that my work is supportive to those who are looking to expand into their full creative expression and live true to who they are.

Are you looking for gentle and personalised support from someone who just gets it

The self love and creativity I now enjoy have not always been so present in my life…

It took years to reclaim my creative spirit - that aspect of me that lives and creates unabashedly and joyfully. After pushing and pulling for years to fit myself onto a life path that didn’t feel right, I finally realised that no one else was going to validate me the way I needed, or heal the deep wounds that only I could reach.

Exhausted and fed up by a decade of burning out over and over again, feeling confused and like I didn't fit anywhere, I devoted myself to a period of emotional healing and making art. I held within me a burning, life-affirming desire to feel free. I believed I could one day feel able to live my artistic dreams and release the burden of stored trauma which had accumulated as a lot of fear and doubt in myself and in the world. And, beautifully, miraculously, through a process of continually showing up with gentleness and focused intention, I found my way there. 

In my work now, I help people navigate their own fear and trauma around personal expression, living authentically, and making art, so that they may truly enjoy - and cozily settle into - the journey of life.

You can benefit from my work directly through one-on-one sessions. I offer somatic coaching for transformational change and growth, as well as live and pre-recorded tarot readings for spiritual guidance and problem solving.

Doing transformational work of any kind is an act of deep self love and courage. I applaud you for opening up to it and am honoured by your consideration to work with me. My tarot sessions are tailored to your needs and specific life context, and I apply a trauma-informed approach to my coaching sessions.

I hope that by working together you will find liberation through gradual self-acceptance, healing and inspired action.

My Services


embody individuality…

hone intuition…

find fulfilment and confidence…

… and become more you than ever.

My coaching sessions guide you back into connection with your own inner knowing.

ultimately, you know what is right for you, but sometimes a little help is needed.

Together, we identify and work towards getting you into a place of confidence and comfort with the path you’re on (or want to be on). You will leave with more understanding of who you are, what you want, and what you need to do to make your dreams come true.


Tarot readings are a conversation between you, me, and spirit.

With over 17 years experience reading tarot and studying the esoteric, symbolic and spiritual information inherent in the cards, I come to each reading with deep resources of knowledge and insight. Each reading is live, over video call, and is tailored to the querent’s particular needs and life context. Throughout our session, you are encouraged to offer contextual information so that the messages are as deep and transformational as they can be.

In tarot readings with me, the cards become a map that we use together (with me guiding) to get to the core of the issue. Diving into a topic of your choosing, we will illuminate the truth of the situation, clear confusion and gather practical advice around what next steps you can take. During the booking process, please feel free to offer as much contextual information regarding what you are seeking so that I may offer you the most rewarding experience possible in our exchange.

  • “Gillian’s ability to translate her vast knowledge of the tarot, the cosmos, an the human psyche … Her readings are thorough, accurate, accessible, and soothing. Even when tackling difficult truths, Gillian is supportive and insightful, leading to understanding through compassion and kindness.”


  • "Gillian is sooo intuitively gifted with her tarot readings. She offers you guided support from spirit & helps you tap into your higher self + offers you empowering tools + insights. The support & guidance has made all the difference in my life & I am grateful for her!"


  • "I really enjoyed my recent Tarot reading with Gill. She created a really safe, welcoming space for us to explore issues I'm experiencing and the guidance she provided prompted deep and meaningful reflection on my part. At the same time, the whole experience felt easy and fun!"


  • "Gillian has a natural gift for tarot and an overall calming aura. her reading was scarily accurate and helped me make some major life altering decisions. 5/5 would definitely recommend."


  • "I’m halfway through and just wow. It’s really resonated, it’s been so true and insightful. Thanks for this beautiful and spot on reading that I needed badly."


  • "I loved the reading! It was very fun to create the style of reading based on my curiosity’s at the time and by seasons of my life coming up. Your excitement and knowledge made the experience so special. I loved the clarification cards and that some actually ended up being the exact same cards that were originally pulled (which I know is out of your control but felt aligned and very intuitive). I was unsure about doing a virtual reading but after experiencing it I was so satisfied and happy it happened. I love your confidence in your intuition and intrigue in what the cards had to say made the reading just so good!"
